Apache Shiro
Apache Shiro is the most powerful and comprehensive Java security management framework that provides user authentication, authorization (based on roles and permissions), Session management, encryption, Web and third-party integration, and so on. But Apache Shiro just a security engine, not a rights management system, rights management system daily projects still need to achieve their own, different projects often need to customize a number of different security components, and the configuration is complicated.
EasyShiro based Shiro is a security extension components. Based rights management database and Web URL authorization RBAC (Role Based Access Control) Web permissions model provides a common Shiro security management support.
Use EasyShiro, only a simple configuration can be applied to the power of Shiro projects go, Shiro reduce complexity, simplify security integration, and enhance its capabilities to provide CAPTCHA, auto login, login is locked,configuration error message, interceptor, Ajax response etc. support.
EasyShiro provides a complete generic configuration template ( shiro.ini
), only added to the jar package, on request adjusting section configuration options to complete the integration, to enjoy the full support of Shiro.
Auth : EasyFormAuthenticationFilter
, full-featured authentication filter, a verification code (CAPTCHA), automatic login (AutoLogin), the login lockout (LockLogin), custom exception message (exceptionMsg), redirect the jump, block , a function of multiple logins, etc.
Realm : EasyJdbcRealm
, based Realm database to automatically obtain authentication and authorization data from the database, support rights to refresh
Perms : EasyURLPermissionFilter
, Authorization Manager filters, Web-based management URL requesting authorization to support Ajax response
Logout : EasyLogoutFilter
, the user logs off the filter to provide automatic login-related write-offs
Interceptor : Certification and Realm interceptors support ( EasyAuthenticationInterceptor
), support to expand when the authentication success or failure
EasyUsernamePasswordEndcodeToken: Simplified and more flexible password encryption scheme Token, implement encodePassword ()
, returns the result of the encrypted password
Exception : custom login authentication related exception ( EasyIncorrectCaptchaException
, EasyLockUserException
The following display and provides a common database authorization based rights management, menus, Web URL authorization RBAC (Role Based Access Control) Web permissions model.
Placeholder (in favor of union
), need implements EasyAuthenticationInterceptor
), format: ExceptionSimpleClassName=Message
)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:p="http://www.springframework.org/schema/p"
xmlns:tx="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx" xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop/spring-aop-4.1.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.1.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.1.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx/spring-tx.xsd">
<!-- SessionValidationScheduler
# Sessions are only validated to see
# if they have been stopped or expired at the time they are accessed,
# A SessionValidationScheduler is responsible for validating sessions
# at a periodic rate to ensure they are cleaned up as necessary.
# You can custom SessionValidationScheduler implementation class.
<bean id="sessionValidationScheduler" class="org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.ExecutorServiceSessionValidationScheduler">
<!-- Default is 3,600,000 millis = 1 hour -->
<property name="interval" value="3600000"></property>
<!-- Session DAO -->
<bean id="sessionDAO" class="org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO">
<!-- This name matches a cache name in ehcache.xml -->
<!-- <property name="activeSessionsCacheName" value="shiro-activeSessionsCache"></property> -->
<!-- Session Manager -->
<bean id="sessionManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager">
<!-- Session Timeout: 3,600,000 milliseconds = 1 hour-->
<property name="globalSessionTimeout" value="3600000"></property>
<property name="sessionValidationScheduler" ref="sessionValidationScheduler"></property>
<property name="sessionValidationSchedulerEnabled" value="true"></property>
<property name="sessionDAO" ref="sessionDAO"></property>
<!-- Cache: EhCache-->
<bean id="ehCacheManager"
<property name="configLocation" value="classpath:/ehcache.xml" />
<property name="shared" value="true" />
<!-- <bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheCacheManager">
<property name="cacheManager" ref="ehCacheManager" />
</bean> -->
<bean id="shiroCacheManager" class="org.apache.shiro.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManager">
<property name="cacheManager" ref="ehCacheManager" />
<!-- RememberMeManager -->
<bean id="cookie" class="org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.SimpleCookie">
<!-- cookie name -->
<property name="name" value="rememberMe"></property>
<!-- default is /request.getContextPath() -->
<property name="path" value="/"></property>
<!-- default is ONE_YEAR -->
<property name="maxAge" value="31536000"></property>
<bean id="rememberMeManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.CookieRememberMeManager">
<property name="cookie" ref="cookie"></property>
<!-- EasyJdbcRealm -->
<bean id="jdbcRealm" class="cn.easyproject.easyshiro.EasyJdbcRealm">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"></property>
<!-- Authentication information query; default: select * from users where username = ? -->
<!-- status: 1 on; 2 lock; 3 delete -->
<property name="authenticationQuery" value="select user_id as userid,name,password,status,real_name as realname from sys_user where name=? and status in(0,1)"></property>
<!-- Password columns Column name; default: password -->
<property name="passwordColumn" value="password"></property>
<!-- Roles query (supports multiple username =?); default: select role_name from user_roles where username = ? -->
<property name="userRolesQuery" value="select name from sys_role where role_id in (select role_id from sys_user_role where user_id=(select user_id from sys_user where name=?)) and status=0"></property>
<!-- Whether to execute permissions Query permission to query; default: true -->
<property name="permissionsLookupEnabled" value="true"></property>
<!-- Permissions query (supports multiple username =?); default: select permission from user_roles_permissions where username = ?" -->
<property name="permissionsQuery" value="select action from sys_menu_permission where MENU_PERMISSION_ID in( select MENU_PERMISSION_ID from sys_role_menu_permission where ROLE_ID in(select role_id from sys_user_role where user_id=(select user_id from sys_user where name=?))) UNION select action from sys_operation_permission where OPERATION_PERMISSION_ID in(select OPERATION_PERMISSION_ID from sys_role_operation_permission where ROLE_ID in(select role_id from sys_user_role where user_id=(select user_id from sys_user where name=?)))"></property>
<!-- EasyJdbcRealm Interceptor, after authentication and authorization information can be obtained, for SimpleAuthenticationInfo authentication and authorization information SimpleAuthorizationInfo additional processing -->
<!-- <property name="interceptor" ref="realmInterceptor"></property> -->
<!-- EasyShiro Custom authentication process interceptors -->
<!-- EasyFormAuthenticationFilter 认证成功或失败拦截器 -->
<bean id="authenticationInterceptor" class="cn.easyproject.easyee.ssh.sys.shiro.AuthenticationInterceptor"> </bean>
<!-- EasyJdbcRealm Authentication and authorization information processing interceptor -->
<bean id="realmInterceptor" class="cn.easyproject.easyee.ssh.sys.shiro.RealmInterceptor"> </bean>
<!-- auth Login Authentication -->
<bean id="auth" class="cn.easyproject.easyshiro.EasyFormAuthenticationFilter">
<!-- ###### FormAuthenticationFilter Configuration ##### -->
<!-- when request method is post execute login, else to login page view -->
<property name="loginUrl" value="/toLogin.action"></property>
<!-- redirect after successful login -->
<property name="successUrl" value="/toMain.action"></property>
<!-- name of request parameter with username; if not present filter assumes 'username' -->
<property name="usernameParam" value="name"></property>
<!-- name of request parameter with password; if not present filter assumes 'password' -->
<property name="passwordParam" value="password"></property>
<!-- does the user wish to be remembered?; if not present filter assumes 'rememberMe' -->
<!-- <property name="rememberMeParam" value="rememberMe"></property> -->
<!-- ###### EasyFormAuthenticationFilter Configuration ##### -->
<!-- ## Login Configuration ## -->
<!-- Login is successful, the token is stored in the session key;default is 'TOKEN' -->
<property name="sessionTokenKey" value="TOKEN"></property>
<!-- Whether to use the login fails to redirect the way to jump back to the login page;default is 'false' -->
<property name="loginFailureRedirectToLogin" value="true"></property>
<!-- ## User defined UsernamePasswordToken Configuration ## -->
<!-- customize UsernamePasswordToken; Default is 'org.apache.shiro.auth.UsernamePasswordToken' -->
<property name="tokenClassName" value="cn.easyproject.easyee.ssh.sys.shiro.UsernamePasswordEncodeToken"></property>
<!-- ## CAPTCHA Configuration ## -->
<!-- Are open CAPTCHA verification; default 'true' -->
<property name="enableCaptcha" value="true"></property>
<!-- CAPTCHA parameter name; default 'captcha' -->
<property name="captchaParam" value="captcha"></property>
<!--key Session codes stored value; default 'captcha' -->
<property name="sessionCaptchaKey" value="rand"></property>
<!-- ## AutoLogin Configuration ## -->
<!-- Are open Auto Login -->
<property name="enableAutoLogin" value="false"></property>
<!-- Auto Login parameter name -->
<property name="autoLoginParam" value="autoLogin"></property>
<!-- Cookie maxAge ,default is ONE_YEAR -->
<property name="autoLoginMaxAge" value="31536000"></property>
<!-- Cookie path,default is "" -->
<property name="autoLoginPath" value="/"></property>
<!-- Cookie domain,empty or default is your current domain name -->
<property name="autoLoginDomain" value=""></property>
<!-- ## LockLogin Configuration ## -->
<!-- LockLogin name cache management locks EHCache time period-->
<!-- Simply adjust timeToIdleSeconds, the default number of times to reach the login lockout, login lockout 2 Hours-->
<!-- <cache
</cache> -->
<!-- EHCache caching name Lock Login login error statistics of the number of time periods -->
<!-- Simply adjust timeToIdleSeconds, default statistics the number of errors in 10 minutes -->
<!-- <cache
</cache> -->
<!--Whether to open the LockLogin ; default is false, do not open -->
<property name="enableLockLogin" value="false"></property>
<!-- Shiro CacheManager -->
<property name="ehCacheManager" ref="shiroCacheManager"></property>
<!-- LockLogin Management locked EHCache name cache time period; default shiro-lockLoginCache -->
<property name="lockLoginCacheName" value="shiro-lockLoginCache"></property>
<!-- LockLogin Statistics Log error count time period EHCache cache name; defaults to shiro-lockCheckCache -->
<property name="lockCheckCacheName" value="shiro-lockCheckCache"></property>
<!--To achieve the same user name to log the number of login errors, login lockout; 0 for no limit; default is 6 -->
<property name="userLock" value="4"></property>
<!-- Login achieve the same IP number of errors, login lockout; 0 for no limit; default is 15 -->
<property name="ipLock" value="6"></property>
<!-- The specified number of login errors, display codes; -1 does not control verification code display; the default is 1 -->
<property name="showCaptcha" value="4"></property>
<!-- ## Logon failure related error messages ## -->
<!-- Login failed message key -->
<property name="msgKey" value="MSG"></property>
<!-- The message is stored session,session.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false' -->
<property name="sessionMsg" value="true"></property>
<!-- The message is stored request,request.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false' -->
<property name="requestMsg" value="true"></property>
<!-- # Login error, an exception in content Map-->
<property name="exceptionMsg">
<!-- ExceptionClassName:"Message", ExceptionClassName2:"Message2", ... -->
<entry key="LockedAccountException" value="Account lockout, please contact the administrator to unlock."></entry>
<entry key="AuthenticationException" value="Username or password is incorrect!"></entry>
<entry key="EasyIncorrectCaptchaException" value="CAPTCHA is incorrect!"></entry>
<entry key="EasyLockUserException" value="User temporarily locking two hours, please try again later."></entry>
<entry key="EasyLockIPException" value="IP temporarily locking two hours, please try again later."></entry>
<!-- customize interceptor, implements EasyAuthenticationInterceptor interface -->
<property name="interceptor" ref="authenticationInterceptor"></property>
<!-- specify LogoutFilter -->
<!-- Enables session security information (Subject / Session), RememberMe information and AutoLogin automatic login logoff information -->
<bean id="logout" class="cn.easyproject.easyshiro.EasyLogoutFilter">
<!-- specify logout redirectUrl -->
<property name="redirectUrl" value="/toLogin.action"></property>
<!-- EasyFormAuthenticationFilter -->
<property name="easyFormAuthenticationFilter" ref="auth"></property>
<!-- perms -->
<bean id="perms" class="cn.easyproject.easyshiro.EasyURLPermissionFilter">
<!-- Authentication failed steering url -->
<property name="unauthorizedUrl" value="/toLogin.action"></property>
<!-- Login timeout detection is turned on; default is 'true'-->
<property name="authenticationTimeoutCheck" value="true"></property>
<!-- Authentication failed message key; default is 'MSG' -->
<property name="msgKey" value="msg"></property>
<!-- Authentication failed status code key: 301, login timeout; 401 Permission Denied; default is 'statusCode' -->
<property name="statusCode" value="statusCode"></property>
<!-- The message is stored session,session.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false' -->
<property name="sessionMsg" value="true"></property>
<!-- The message is stored request,request.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false' -->
<property name="requestMsg" value="true"></property>
<!-- Authentication failed Tips content; default is 'Permission denied!' -->
<property name="permissionDeniedMsg" value="You do not have permission!"></property>
<!-- Login timeout prompt content; default is 'Your login has expired, please login again!' -->
<property name="authenticationTimeoutMsg" value="Your login has expired, please login again!"></property>
<!-- Shiro Native SessionManager -->
<bean id="securityManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.DefaultWebSecurityManager">
<!-- <property name="sessionMode" value="native"></property> -->
<property name="sessionManager" ref="sessionManager"></property>
<!-- Cache: EhCache-->
<property name="cacheManager" ref="shiroCacheManager"></property>
<property name="rememberMeManager" ref="rememberMeManager"></property>
<property name="realms">
<ref bean="jdbcRealm"/>
<!-- shiroFilter -->
<bean id="shiroFilter" class="org.apache.shiro.spring.web.ShiroFilterFactoryBean">
<property name="securityManager" ref="securityManager"/>
<!-- override these for application-specific URLs if you like:-->
<property name="loginUrl" value="/toLogin.action"/>
<property name="successUrl" value="/toMain.action"/>
<property name="unauthorizedUrl" value="/toLogin.action"/>
<property name="filterChainDefinitions">
# anonymous
/checkCaptcha.action = anon
/notFound.action = anon
# requests to /DoLogout will be handled by the ‘logout’ filter
/logout.action = logout
# requests to /toLogin.action will be handled by the ‘auth’ filter
/toLogin.action = auth
# doc page need auth
/doc/** = auth
# need to permission
/toMain.action = auth
/*.action = perms
<bean id="lifecycleBeanPostProcessor" class="org.apache.shiro.spring.LifecycleBeanPostProcessor"/>
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Users and their (optional) assigned roles
# username = password, role1, role2, ..., roleN
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#admin = admin123, admin
#jay = 123, user
#guest = guest, guest
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Roles with assigned permissions
# roleName = perm1, perm2, ..., permN
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#admin = *
#user = log:*
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration SessionManager, Cache, Filter
# myFilter = com.company.web.some.FilterImplementation
# myFilter.property1 = value1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#- Session Manager
# securityManager.sessionManager.xxxx=xxxx
#-- Shiro Native SessionManager
sessionManager = org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager
# Use the configured native session manager:
securityManager.sessionManager = $sessionManager
#-- Session Timeout
# 3,600,000 milliseconds = 1 hour
securityManager.sessionManager.globalSessionTimeout = 3600000
#-- Session Listeners
# implement the SessionListener interface (or extend the convenience SessionListenerAdapter)
# As the default SessionManager sessionListeners property is a collection, you can configure the SessionManager with one or more of your listener implementations like any other collection in shiro.ini:
#aSessionListener = com.foo.my.SessionListener
#anotherSessionListener = com.foo.my.OtherSessionListener
#securityManager.sessionManager.sessionListeners = $aSessionListener, $anotherSessionListener, etc.
#-- Custom Session IDs
# The default SessionIdGenerator is a JavaUuidSessionIdGenerator,
# which generates String IDs based on Java UUIDs.
#sessionIdGenerator = com.my.session.SessionIdGenerator
#securityManager.sessionManager.sessionDAO.sessionIdGenerator = $sessionIdGenerator
#-- SessionValidationScheduler
# Sessions are only validated to see
# if they have been stopped or expired at the time they are accessed,
# A SessionValidationScheduler is responsible for validating sessions
# at a periodic rate to ensure they are cleaned up as necessary.
# You can custom SessionValidationScheduler implementation class.
sessionValidationScheduler = org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.ExecutorServiceSessionValidationScheduler
# Default is 3,600,000 millis = 1 hour:
sessionValidationScheduler.interval = 3600000
securityManager.sessionManager.sessionValidationScheduler = $sessionValidationScheduler
#securityManager.sessionManager.sessionValidationSchedulerEnabled = false
#-- Session DAO
# cache in the CacheManager should be used to store active sessions:
sessionDAO = org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO
securityManager.sessionManager.sessionDAO = $sessionDAO
# By default, the EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO asks the CacheManager
# for a Cache named "shiro-activeSessionCache"
#sessionDAO.activeSessionsCacheName = ehcache_region_name
#- Cache
# securityManager.cacheManager
#-- EhCache
cacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManager
cacheManager.cacheManagerConfigFile = classpath:ehcache.xml
##-- in-memory-only Cache
#cacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.MemoryConstrainedCacheManager
securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager
#- RememeberMe(org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.CookieRememberMeManager)
securityManager.rememberMeManager.cookie.name = rememberMe
# default is /request.getContextPath()
securityManager.rememberMeManager.cookie.path = /
# default is ONE_YEAR
securityManager.rememberMeManager.cookie.maxAge = 31536000
#------------------------------ When use Session Clustering: Ehcache + Terracotta
#sessionDAO = org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.EnterpriseCacheSessionDAO
## This name matches a cache name in ehcache.xml:
#sessionDAO.activeSessionsCacheName = shiro-activeSessionsCache
#securityManager.sessionManager.sessionDAO = $sessionDAO
## Configure The EhCacheManager:
#cacheManager = org.apache.shiro.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManager
#cacheManager.cacheManagerConfigFile = classpath:ehcache.xml
## Configure the above CacheManager on Shiro's SecurityManager
## to use it for all of Shiro's caching needs:
#securityManager.cacheManager = $cacheManager
#------------------------------ When use Session Clustering: Ehcache + Terracotta
#- Realm
#-- DataSource
dataSource.validationQuery=SELECT 'x'
#-- EasyJdbcRealm
# Authentication information query; default: select * from users where username = ?
jdbcRealm.authenticationQuery=select user_id as userid,name,password,status,real_name as realname from sys_user where name=? and status in(0,1)
# Password columns Column name; default: password
# Roles query (supports multiple username =?); default: select role_name from user_roles where username = ?
jdbcRealm.userRolesQuery=select name from sys_role where role_id in (select role_id from sys_user_role where user_id=(select user_id from sys_user where name=?)) and status=0
# Whether to execute permissions Query permission to query; default: true
# Permissions query (supports multiple username =?); default: select permission from roles_permissions where role_name = ?"
jdbcRealm.permissionsQuery=select action from sys_menu_permission where MENU_PERMISSION_ID in( select MENU_PERMISSION_ID from sys_role_menu_permission where ROLE_ID in(select role_id from sys_user_role where user_id=(select user_id from sys_user where name=?))) UNION select action from sys_operation_permission where OPERATION_PERMISSION_ID in(select OPERATION_PERMISSION_ID from sys_role_operation_permission where ROLE_ID in(select role_id from sys_user_role where user_id=(select user_id from sys_user where name=?)))
# EasyJdbcRealm Interceptor, after authentication and authorization information can be obtained, for SimpleAuthenticationInfo authentication and authorization information SimpleAuthorizationInfo additional processing
# customize EasyJdbcRealm Interceptor, after authentication and authorization information can be obtained, for SimpleAuthenticationInfo authentication and authorization information SimpleAuthorizationInfo additional processing
#- auth Login Authentication
#-- customize auth
# specify login form page
# when request method is post execute login, else to login page view
auth.loginUrl = /toLogin.action
# redirect after successful login
auth.successUrl = /toMain.action
# name of request parameter with username; if not present filter assumes 'username'
auth.usernameParam = name
# name of request parameter with password; if not present filter assumes 'password'
auth.passwordParam = password
# does the user wish to be remembered?; if not present filter assumes 'rememberMe'
auth.rememberMeParam = rememberMe
#-- EasyFormAuthenticationFilter customize Extended Attributes
#---- Login Configuration
#Login is successful, the token is stored in the session key;default is 'TOKEN'
# session.setAttribute(sessionTokenName,tokenObject);
auth.sessionTokenKey= TOKEN
# Whether to use the login fails to redirect the way to jump back to the login page;default is 'false'
auth.loginFailureRedirectToLogin = true
#---- User defined UsernamePasswordToken Configuration
# customize UsernamePasswordToken; Default is 'org.apache.shiro.auth.UsernamePasswordToken'
#---- CAPTCHA Configuration
# Whether to open the CAPTCHA; default 'true'
# CAPTCHA parameter name default 'captcha'
auth.captchaParam = captcha
# CAPTCHA nanme in Session; default 'captcha'
auth.sessionCaptchaKey = rand
#--------- AutoLogin Configuration
# Are open Auto Login
# Auto Login parameter name
# Cookie maxAge ,default is ONE_YEAR
# Cookie path,default is ""
# Cookie domain,empty or default is your current domain name
#---- LockLogin Configuration Logon failure related error messages
# Are oepn LockLogin; default is false,off
# Shiro CacheManager
# LockLogin Management locked EHCache name cache time period; default shiro-lockLoginCache
# LockLogin Statistics Log error count time period EHCache cache name; defaults to shiro-lockCheckCache
#To achieve the same user name to log the number of login errors, login lockout; 0 for no limit; default is 6
# Login achieve the same IP number of errors, login lockout; 0 for no limit; default is 15
# The specified number of login errors, display codes; -1 does not control verification code display; the default is 1
#---- Logon failure related error messages
# Login failed message key
auth.msgKey = MSG
# The message is stored session,session.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false'
auth.sessionMsg = true
# The message is stored request,request.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false'
auth.requestMsg = true
# Login error, an exception in content Map
# ExceptionClassName:"Message", ExceptionClassName2:"Message2", ...
auth.exceptionMsg = LockedAccountException:"Account lockout, please contact the administrator to unlock.", AuthenticationException:"User name or password is incorrect!", EasyIncorrectCaptchaException:"CAPTCHA is incorrect!", EasyLockUserException:"User temporarily locking two hours, please try again later.", EasyLockIPException:"IP temporarily locking two hours, please try again later."
#---- customize EasyJdbcRealmInterceptor interceptor, You can customize the code after the authentication process succeeds or fails
#- user Authentication
# user filter, if not remeberMe redirected to the url, default is '/login.jsp'
#- Logout
# specify LogoutFilter
# logout = org.apache.shiro.web.filter.authc.LogoutFilter
# specify logout redirectUrl
logout.redirectUrl = /login.jsp
# EasyFormAuthenticationFilter
#- perms
## Authorization filter rules based on URL
# Authentication failed steering url
# Login timeout detection is turned on; default is 'true'
perms.authenticationTimeoutCheck= true
## Authorization failed related error messages
# Authentication failed message key; default is 'msg'
perms.msgKey = msg
# Authentication failed status code key: 301, login timeout; 401 Permission Denied; default is 'statusCode'
perms.statusCode = statusCode
# The message is stored session,session.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false'
perms.sessionMsg = true
# The message is stored request,request.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false'
perms.requestMsg = true
# Authentication failed Tips content; default is 'Permission denied!'
perms.permissionDeniedMsg = You do not have permission!
# Login timeout prompt content; default is 'Your login has expired, please login again!'
perms.authenticationTimeoutMsg = Your login has expired, please login again!
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Urls and their filter
# URL_Ant_Path_Expression = Path_Specific_Filter_Chain
# filter1[optional_config1], filter2[optional_config2], ..., filterN[optional_configN]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# anonymous
/checkCaptcha.action = anon
/notFound.action = anon
# requests to /DoLogout will be handled by the ‘logout’ filter
/logout.action = logout
# requests to /toLogin.action will be handled by the ‘auth’ filter
/toLogin.action = auth
# doc page need auth
/doc/** = auth
# need to permission
/toMain.action = auth
/*.action = perms
。Token successful login into the Session
Redirect Jump Support (after successful login or avoid failure caused by repeated submission to refresh invalid login request)
Sign exception messages configuration support (for different custom exception error message, and save the error messages to request and session (redirect) Scope)
CAPTCHA codes support
AutoLogin automatic login support
LockLogin login lockout support
Authentication success and failure interceptors support (for example, after a successful user authentication lock detection, or query initialization menu extension work.)
Logged-in users to re-login account (Shiro default browser has logged the case, landing new accounts will automatically jump to the original login page)
Inherited RememberMe support (using the built-in user filter implementation, Shiro default RememberMe not used to automatically log on, but for the user filters)
.Results simplifies password encrypted login, simply inherit EasyUsernamePasswordEndcodeToken
, self-fulfillingencodePassword ()
password encryption logic to return the encrypted password
Can add custom properties when using EasyJdbcRealm
login authentication, auto-login queries with the same name attribute statements related user database column value assigned to the class (encodePassword()
can be used to encrypt the database column encryption attributes assalt
。When doGetAuthenticationInfo
user login authentication, users can query statement to query the information in the database, all automatically initialized to login authentication TokenUsernamePasswordToken
extension of the same name attribute subclass solve the authentication information does not contain a database of user attributes problem
Provides a static reloadPermissions
method can refresh permissions after successful authentication (example: re-assign user permissions, user permissions to refresh the current date.)
authentication and authorization information interceptors (re-deposited after example, after obtaining authorization or authentication information, for secondary processing, such as permission for a particular character string segmentation segmentationStringPermissions
and so on.)
Compatible with UsernamePasswordToken
login authentication
Provide EasyJdbcRealm, extended JdbcRealm, solve the problem of authentication information database does not contain user attributes.
Able to login authentication, user information in the database, all automatically packaged into a user login authentication Token (EasyUsernamePasswordToken) in.
.String Permissions
), the access is allowed, otherwise not allowedSupport Login Timeout detection
Support Ajax response, use Ajax requests to insufficient permissions or login timeout JSON output (messages can be custom configured by permissionDeniedMsg
, authenticationTimeoutMsg
{ "MSG":"You do not have permission!","statusCode":"401" }
{ "MSG":"Your login has expired, please login again!","statusCode":"301" }
, Verification code error exceptions, extends AuthenticationException
, Login lockout exception parent class, extends AuthenticationException
, IP lock exception, extends EasyLockLoginException
, User lock exception, extends EasyLockLoginException
, User authentication or identification blocker (for example, after a user authentication lock detection, or query initialization menu extension work.)
, Authentication and authorization information interceptors(For example, after obtaining authorization or authentication information, for secondary processing, such as permission for a particular string of characters will be split after split again into the StringPermissions
It provides a static reloadPermissions
method can refresh permission after successful authentication (for example: re-assign user permissions, user permissions to refresh the current date.)
EasyFormAuthenticationFilter In accordance with the appropriate configuration exception error message, and depending on the configuration into the request or session to save.
<!-- ## Logon failure related error messages ## -->
<!-- Login failed message key -->
<property name="msgKey" value="MSG"></property>
<!-- The message is stored session,session.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false' -->
<property name="sessionMsg" value="true"></property>
<!-- The message is stored request,request.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false' -->
<property name="requestMsg" value="true"></property>
<!-- # Login error, an exception in the content Map-->
<property name="exceptionMsg">
<!-- ExceptionClassName:"Message", ExceptionClassName2:"Message2", ... -->
<entry key="LockedAccountException" value="Account lockout, please contact the administrator to unlock."></entry>
<entry key="AuthenticationException" value="Username or password is incorrect!"></entry>
<entry key="EasyIncorrectCaptchaException" value="Code is incorrect!"></entry>
<entry key="EasyLockUserException" value="user temporarily locking two hours, please try again later."></entry>
<entry key="EasyLockIPException" value="IP temporarily locking two hours, please try again later."></entry>
#---- Error Message Custom Configuration
# Login failed message key
auth.msgKey = MSG
# The message is stored session,session.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false'
auth.sessionMsg = true
# The message is stored request,request.setAttribute(MsgKey,xxxErrorMsg); default is 'false'
auth.requestMsg = true
# Login error, an exception in the content Map
# ExceptionClassName:"Message", ExceptionClassName2:"Message2", ...
auth.exceptionMsg = LockedAccountException:"Account lockout, please contact the administrator to unlock.", AuthenticationException:"Username or password is incorrect!", EasyIncorrectCaptchaException:"Code is incorrect!", EasyLockUserException:"user temporarily locking two hours, please try again later.", EasyLockIPException:"IP temporarily locking two hours, please try again later."
<!-- Log message prompts JS -->
<s:if test="#session.MSG!=null">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
uiEx.alert("${MSG }", "info");
<s:set name="MSG" scope="session" value=""></s:set>
providing lock-based EhCache
of Lock Login login.
Use Lock Login, you must configure the login lockout-related EhCache cache configuration shiro-lockLoginCache
<!-- ## LockLogin Configuration ## -->
<!-- LockLogin name cache management locks EHCache time period-->
<!-- Simply adjust timeToIdleSeconds, the default number of times to reach the login lockout, login lockout 2 Hours-->
<!-- EHCache caching name Lock Login login error statistics of the number of time periods -->
<!-- Simply adjust timeToIdleSeconds, default statistics the number of errors in 10 minutes -->
IP-based control codes is displayed
<!--Whether to open the LockLogin ; default is false, do not open -->
<property name="enableLockLogin" value="false"></property>
<!-- Shiro CacheManager -->
<property name="ehCacheManager" ref="shiroCacheManager"></property>
<!-- LockLogin Management locked EHCache name cache time period; default shiro-lockLoginCache -->
<property name="lockLoginCacheName" value="shiro-lockLoginCache"></property>
<!-- LockLogin Statistics Log error count time period EHCache cache name; defaults to shiro-lockCheckCache -->
<property name="lockCheckCacheName" value="shiro-lockCheckCache"></property>
<!--To achieve the same user name to log the number of login errors, login lockout; 0 for no limit; default is 6 -->
<property name="userLock" value="4"></property>
<!-- Login achieve the same IP number of errors, login lockout; 0 for no limit; default is 15 -->
<property name="ipLock" value="6"></property>
<!-- The specified number of login errors, display codes; -1 does not control verification code display; the default is 1 -->
<property name="showCaptcha" value="4"></property>
#---- LockLogin Configuration Logon failure related error messages
# Are oepn LockLogin; default is false,off
# Shiro CacheManager
# LockLogin Management locked EHCache name cache time period; default shiro-lockLoginCache
# LockLogin Statistics Log error count time period EHCache cache name; defaults to shiro-lockCheckCache
#To achieve the same user name to log the number of login errors, login lockout; 0 for no limit; default is 6
# Login achieve the same IP number of errors, login lockout; 0 for no limit; default is 15
# The specified number of login errors, display codes; -1 does not control verification code display; the default is 1
EasyShiro of EasyFormAuthenticationFilter
filter jump to the login page has examined whether to display a verification code or IP is locked, and the information is stored inSession
. Analyzing information can be obtained from the Session
in page.
IP is locked session.IPLock
<s:if test="#session.IPLock!=null">
<span style="color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold">您的 IP 地址由于连续登录错误过多,已被锁定 2 小时,请稍后再试。</span>
Whether you need to display a verification code session.ShowCAPTCHA
<s:if test="#session.ShowCAPTCHA!=null">
<input class="easyui-validatebox textbox"
id="captcha" name="captcha"
style="height:30px;width: 80px;" data-options="required:true, validType:'minLength[4]' , tipPosition:'right',position:'bottom', deltaX:105"
<div style="display: none; float: right; border: 1px solid #ccc;" id="vcTr">
<img title="点击切换" alt="加载中..." align="middle"
style="cursor: pointer;" width="100" height="28" id="vcImg" src="jsp/VerifyCode.jsp">
into the web root directory, you can visit:
String lockLogin="shiro-lockLoginCache";
String lockLCheck="shiro-lockCheckCache";
Note that there is no access control
If you have more comments, suggestions or ideas, please contact me.