DataTable AJAX pagination plugin manual

Notice: EasyDataTable and DataTable plugin for the same plug-in. In the early DataTable correspondence in English, EasyDataTable corresponding Chinese version, and after 2.3.0 , 1.10.0 version, through language document control, no longer distinguish downloads by region.

Use Ajax pagination can improve data load and display speed and reduce network traffic, improve the customer experience degrees; same time be able to refresh only partially solve when there are multiple data displayed on the page table area, the traditional paging will cause the entire page to refresh.

EasyDataTable AJAX pagination plug-in is based on the best pure jQuery Ajax pagination plug-in, enhanced support for HTML and JS programming are two ways to implement paging, the biggest feature is: Simple, easy to use and flexible. Supports a variety of data sources to load (dynamic data source server, static data source, JSON file data sources); own tabs; support custom pagination; Custom Loading prompt; spreadsheet UI can be customized; support column click sort, support static data sorting; supports dynamic query conditions, static data filtering query conditions, support scope, methods and mode support, built-in 8 kinds of static data that match the query pattern; built-EasyDataTable expression language, event support, can enhance paging through JavaScript programming.

Compatibility: EasyDataTable fully compatible with IE6 and above, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and other kernel (Trident, Gecko, Webkit, Presto) browser, and is compatible with multiple platforms and systems (PC, TabletPC, Mobile) .

And other relatively EasyDataTable Ext main features:

  1. Lightweight:. EasyDataTable require fewer resources to load and very lightweight
  2. easy to use:. HTML enhanced support, almost without JS code, comprehensive package, easy to use, JS zero programming can achieve powerful Ajax paging function
  3. flexible: unrestricted, comes the expression language, event support, from UI to function can achieve the flexibility to customize and extend
  4. comprehensive: dynamic and static load full variety of data sources, and supports a variety of different scope, approach, mode of static data filtering query

The official site

1, Introducing core js and css files EasyDataTable

<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="easydatatable/css/datatable.css" type="text/css" />
<!-- jQuery -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<!-- EasyDatatable JS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="easydatatable/easy.datatable-2.3.0.min.js"></script>
<!-- EasyDatatable Language -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="easydatatable/lang/easy.datatable-lang-en.js"></script>

2, Page table structure

EasyDataTable is structured into form, EasyDataTable data table (table header row, the data show rows), paging div three parts, creating a data table structure as follows:

<!-- Create a form action is handled dynamically paging request address -->
<form action="Paging server address">

    <!--  EasyDataTable data show the form, you must have id -->
    <table id="DataTableID">

        <!--  Header row  -->
        <tr><th></th>    …… </tr>

        <!--  Data show the row  -->
        <tr style="display: none;"><td></td>    …… </tr>


    <!--  Paging Line  -->
    <div class="panelBar"  size="5,10,30,50">    </div>


Paging form instance:

<!-- Create a form action is paged address requests processed -->
<form action="doPage.jsp" name="myform">
    <!-- Use DIV to wrap EasyDataTable data display table, when the data exceeds the DIV height, the scroll bar can be a reality -->
       <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;">
              <!--Table shows the data, you must specify the id, EasyDatatable paging initialization data by id-->
            <table class="datatable"  id="datatable"  width="100%" align="center">
                <!-- Header row-->
                      <th width="40">
                        <!-- Call DataTable.checkAll (this, 'checkbox name') function or use HTML enhancements add check = "checkbox name" attribute can be achieved checkbox Select All / Clear All function -->
                        <input type="checkbox" onclick="DataTable.checkAll(this,'mychk')" />
                       <th width="80">count</th>
                       <th width="100">userId</th>
                       <th width="100">userName</th>
                       <th width="100">userInfo</th>
                       <th >operation</th>
                <!-- Data show the row, Use {property} property expression to get data -->
                   <tr  style="display: none;">
                       <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;">
                        <!--Custom box, value for the object id-->
                           <input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }"/>
                    <!--Use the built datatableCount property to display the number of data-->
                       <td align="center"  style="text-align:center;height: 45px;">
                        {datatableCount }
                       <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                       <td align="center">{name}</td>
                       <td align="center" style="width: 120px">
                           <a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }">show</a>
                           <a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a>
                           <a href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }">delete</a>

    <!--Tabs section, use the size attribute to set the number of drop-down menus per page optional value, use, separated-->
    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50">

3, Ajax paging tables for data initialization

EasyDataTable support HTMl two ways to enhance and JS paging table initialization.

3.1, Method One: html enhanced use easydatatable class styles

Adding to the table style class easydatatable initialize (form must have id)

<table class="datatable easydatatable" id="datatable3" width="780px" align="center">

3.2, Method Two: JavaScript, use DataTable.load () function

Use DataTable.load (table id, parameter information) function on the table you want to initialize Ajax pagination

DataTable.load( tableid [,easydataParameters] );

Parameter Description:
tableid: Must parameters, data display table id
easydataParameters: Optional parameter that specifies EasyDataTable initialization parameters paging information to support arguments:

    `pagetheme`: 'Paging theme'
    `loading`: 'When paging loading data, Loading prompt manner'
    `language`: 'tabs language'
    `start`: 'data starts to load event handler'
    `end`: 'end of the data load event handler'
    `row`: 'initial page load shows the number'

easydataParameters Initialization Parameters page

EasyDataTable using special instructions at Ajax loaded content-based scenarios:

EasyDataTable automatically called after document.onready DataTable.init();, complete the form associated with various initialization (the code inside the language JS files, so the language file must be loaded).

However, due to the presence of some special usage scenarios based on Ajax loaded content: If by Ajax request to obtain a document page, which contains loads EasyDataTable relevant JS files, then the JavaScript code in the document will load after the page in order to perform since the completion of the external document has been ready, so the internal register onready default language file is invalid. This leads to modify the global parameters DataTable after introducing EasyDataTable JS files, due to the language file initialization function later executed, result in the setting will not take effect.

So, in the face of such a scenario, it is necessary to set parameters when Ajax loaded content-based scenario, in order to solve the problem of Ajax when the page is loaded, there are two solutions:

  1. Comments language file DataTable.init(); code, turn off the automatic initialization. In JS files loaded, after setting the parameters manually invoke DataTable.init(); initialized.

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="easydatatable/css/datatable.css" type="text/css" id="themecss"></link>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easydatatable/easy.datatable-2.3.0.js"></script>
     <!-- 1. Annotation file `DataTable.init();` initialization code -->
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easydatatable/lang/easy.datatable-lang-zh_CN.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
         // 2. Setting parameters
         // 3. Manual initialization
  2. Control in the following order: first load EasyDataTable.js file; execute code set parameters; finally loaded language files.

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="easydatatable/css/datatable.css" type="text/css" id="themecss"></link>
     <!-- 1. Load JS file -->
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easydatatable/easy.datatable-2.3.0.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
         // 2. Setting parameters(No manual initialization)
     <!-- load languge file -->
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easydatatable/lang/easy.datatable-lang-zh_CN.js"></script>

4, EasyDataTableExpression Language Use

4.1 EasyDataTable Property Expression Property expression {data attributes }

Property expressions for data display line, display the specified property values.

In the property expression can be directly referenced data attributes to get the data for the specified property. And supports a variety of mathematical, comparison operators perform basic arithmetic JavaScript.

    {id}    {name}

4.2 EasyDataTable Statement Expression `% {expression statement}%

Statement expression data for display in line with the programming statements to control programming.

Support the use of JavaScript written statement expression expression code; supports direct call data attributes; also supports the use of EasyDataTable property expression (must be used to define the use of quotation marks in the string).
The results statement expression must be used to perform the standard output method statement expression EasyDataTable output: DataTable.out (" Content ");

JS script <,> and other special symbols can also be used to replace the corresponding character entities.

Support JavaScript language expressions.
Attribute name: the variable reference and handling
EasyDataTable property expression: You must define the use of quotation marks in strings
    var res=name+"   {name}";

        var op='<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id='+id+'">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;'; 
        op+='<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a>';

         DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }">delete</a>');  

Since EasyDataTable statement expression is to get the final result of the execution of the entire code, so the following code will not be executed 10 times the output:

    for(var i=0;i<=10;i++){

If you want to output 10 times, you must use variables to store the results of the cycle, the final output:

    var res="";
    for(var i=0;i<=10;i++){


5, EasyDataTableBuilt-in data attribute

EasyDataTable built-related data and paging built-in properties can be used directly in the data show tabs row or rows.

Only valid data show the line:
datatableIndex: available data in the current index page
datatableCount: the number of available data on the current page
key: When Map data set can be used to obtain the data for the key

Data show lines, tabs can be used:
pageNo: now page NO.
maxPage: max Pages
rowPerPage: the number per page
totalCount: the number of total data
sort: sort field
order: Sort, desc or asc

For example:
All the current data index data: {datatableIndex + (pageNo-1) * rowPerPage}
The number of all current data in the data: {datatableCount + (pageNo-1) * rowPerPage}

6, Sort Support

In order to add the header row needs to sort =" sort field name " attribute to the field corresponding to the cell.

    <th width="80">count</th>
    <th width="80">index</th>
    <th width="80">{index+1}</th>
    <th width="100" sort="id">id</th>
    <th width="100" sort="name">name</th>
    <th width="100" sort="info">info</th>
    <th >operate</th>

Sortable column displays the sort arrow. Click to send server sorting information required: sort field sort (values ​​sort of) and sort order (asc or desc) to the server.
After the server receives and returns the new data processing can be realized Ascending Descending switching.

Access to information via the server-side sorting and sort order parameter name.

String sort = request.getParameter("sort");
String order = request.getParameter("order");

Restore DataTable:

Use DataTable.reload ('tableid'); can refresh the data table is specified, no sorting restored to the state.

<div onclick="DataTable.reload('datatable3')">Refresh</div>

Custom sort indicator

EasyDataTable For sortable columns to be sorted in appearance reminded by sorting indicator. By default, there are three symbols:
order_default: representation can click to sort indicator, display up and down arrows ↑↓ (&uarr;&darr;)
order_up: when ascending indicator display ↑(&uarr;)
order_down: descending when the indicator is displayed ↓(&darr;)

EasyDataTable support modification by the method of sorting indicator Appearance:

 * Set symbol ordering instructions 
 * @param orderParams Sort appearance parameters, including
 *   order_default:The default indicator sortable columns
 *   order_up:When ascending indicator
 *   order_down:When descending indicator
 *   three parameters
 * @param datatableid Optionally, specify the specific appearance of the table set id
setOrder: function(orderParams,datatableid)

1. Global Customization: Modify the default sort all DataTable objects indicator

                order_default:"<img src='images/order_default.gif'/>",
                order_up:"<img src='images/order_up.gif'/>",
                order_down:"<img src='images/order_down.gif'/>"

2. Press DataTableID Custom: Modify only the current sort indicator DataTableID corresponding DataTable object

                  order_default:"<img src='images/order_default.gif'/>",
                order_up:"<img src='images/order_up.gif'/>",
                order_down:"<img src='images/order_down.gif'/>"

7, Row-line event registration

Data line registration event for the DataTable.

 * Datatable row for various processing event registration
 * @param events List of registered event handling : {eventName:eventHandler, ... }
 * @param datatableid Optionally, the list of events registered to id specified DataTable
DataTable.setRowEvent(events[, datatableid])


//Registration to all DataTable
    // EventName: Eventhandler

//Registration to the id specified DataTable
    // EventName: Eventhandler
}, "datatable4");

8, Server-side data requirements

EasyDataTable can automatically parse JSON results returned by the server, and implement paging.

9, Refresh specified data table

DataTable.reload(“tableId”);  //Cancel sorting effect, Refresh table, reload the data

10, Set the number of default paging

Use row paging parameters in the initialization parameter can specify the number of the default paging. If you do not set this parameter, the value of the property DataTable.default_row default value of 5 (can edit).

row attribute support in the page using HTML div tag enhancements:

<div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50" row="10">


11, Paging theme settings

DataTable built-in paging achieved and provides two sets of topics:

FULL(Full theme, the default display all the pages option, the default value)

SIMPLE(Simple theme, do not show quick jump page)

11.1, Specify the page using JavaScript theme


11.2, Paging Paging specified topic in the DIV tag

<div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;height: 40px;" size="5,10,30,50" pagetheme="FULL">

<div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;height: 40px;" size="5,10,30,50" pagetheme="SIMPLE">

11.3, Cancel paging and themes

Use display: none to hide, or you can directly delete tabs section.

<div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;height: 40px;display: none;" size="5,10,30,50" >

12, Custom Paging

EasyDataTable support custom paging, the paging div tag can write custom paging code. Custom paging code supports: EasyDataTable built-in properties, attributes, expressions and statements expressions.

Pagination div tag Add pagetheme= "no"
Properties (or parameters set by EasyDataTable initialization), call DataTable.go ('load data tables id', 'pages', [page displays the number of]) function, you can implement custom paging jump.You can also use row attribute specifies the default page displays the number of:

Custom Paging structure:

<div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;height: 40px; line-height: 40px;" size="5,10,30,50" pagetheme="no" row="8">
    <div class="customPaging">
        <!-- Custom Paging content -->


<div class="panelBar" style="font-size:14px; width: 780px;height: 40px;line-height: 40px;" size="5,10,30,50" pagetheme="no">
    <div class="customPaging">
    Now {pageNo}/{maxPage}  page&nbsp;&nbsp; Now {rowPerPage}/{totalCount} row {order} {sort} &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#"
        onclick="DataTable.go('datatable6',1,5);return false;">first</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#"
        onclick="DataTable.go('datatable6','{pageNo-1}',5);return false;">previous </a> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#"
        onclick="DataTable.go('datatable6','{pageNo+1}',5);return false;">next</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#"
        onclick="DataTable.go('datatable6','{maxPage}',5);return false;">last</a>

<div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;height: 40px; line-height: 40px;" size="5,10,30,50" pagetheme="no" row="8">
    <div class="customPaging">
    Now{pageNo}/{maxPage} page Now{rowPerPage}/{totalCount} row {order} {sort} <input type="button" value="first"
        onclick="DataTable.go('datatable7',1)"> <input type="button" value="previous "
        onclick="DataTable.go('datatable7','{pageNo-1}')"> <input type="button" value="next"
        onclick="DataTable.go('datatable7','{pageNo+1}')"> <input type="button" value="last"

When the JavaScript function call, if the parameter used EasyDataTable property expressions (such as pages {pageNo-1}) is required by single quotation marks, as a string parameter, otherwise there will be a warning under IE8 (does not affect the actual the results),digital without.
For example, the following code '{pageNo-1}' must use quotes:

onclick="DataTable.go('datatable7', '{pageNo-1}')"

13, With a search page

Form into the search box form, with the following two ways to search submission page.

Search Search button to submit two methods of data

Method One: Use HTML to enhance the search button into the current form, added directly to the search button style class data_search

<input type="button" class="data_search" value="search"/>

Method Two: Use DataTable.load ('data tables id'), registered for the event by clicking on the search button

<input type="button" class="btn_test" onclick="DataTable.load('DataTableID')" value="search"/>

Server to obtain the search criteria submitted by the client.

14, EasyDataTable load support multiple data sources

EasyDataTable supports three kinds of data sources:

  1. server dynamic data sources (1.X, 2.X support)
  2. static data sources (2.X support)
  3. file data source (2.X support)

Note: EasyDataTable currently supports two versions 1.X and 2.X. EasyDataTable 1.X only supports dynamic loading of data sources; EasyDataTable 2.X also supports static data sources and data source file is loaded。

14.1, Server dynamic data sources (1.X, 2.X)

Specify the server-side paging address in the form of action to dynamically obtain JSON paging data to achieve paging.

DataTable.load( 'tableid' [,easydataParameters] );

14.2, Static data sources (2.X)

JSON supports direct loading of the specified data objects, implement paging. (Data List of supported data format JSON and Array)

DataTable.staticLoad('tableid' , jsonDataObject [,easydataParams]);

14.3, File data sources (2.X)

Supports direct loading specified JSON data files, implement paging.

DataTable.fileLoad('tableid' , 'jsonFile' [,easydataParams]);

15, Static sorting support (2.X)

EasyDataTable support for static sort data in the header row to add staticSort need to sort on a field corresponding cells =" Sort Field Name " attribute.

<th width="100" staticSort="id">id</th>
<th width="100" staticSort="name">name</th>

16,Static filtering query (2.X)

EasyDataTable support for static data filtering query, and has the following three characteristics:

  1. Query Range: Support (static data of the current page) for All (all static data), and static data in two ranges NowPage filter query.

  2. Query Type: Support multi-criteria when screening by AND or OR method of data filtering.

  3. Query mode: Built-in 8 kinds MatchMode (query matching mode) support, each individual can be configured independently screened table MatchMode.

    EasyDataTable support 8 kinds MatchMode name and role models that match the query:

     extra:Exact match     
     extra_i:Exact match and ignore case 
     like:Fuzzy Matching
     like_i:Fuzzy Matching and ignore case 
     sql:SQL wildcard matching (percent sign '%' wildcard support, matches any character; support underscore `_` wildcard matches any single character; support `[0-9]`, `[AZ]`, `[az]`, `[0-9A-Za-z] `wildcard such as range, matching a single character range)   
     sql_i:SQL wildcard matching and ignore case 
     reg:Regular expression matching
     reg_i:Regular expression matching and ignore case 

Specify MatchMode (query matching mode) to form elements:

EasyDataTable by eight kinds of data that match the query pattern MatchMode, provides the user with a full range of query support; support for each form separate option to specify a different query matching mode, which greatly enhances the flexibility of screening.

Using HTML enhancements, add mode attribute in the corresponding text box, and the value is specified as EasyDataTable support MathMode name.

<input type="text" name="name" class="txt_test" mode="sql_i"/> 

<input type="text" name="info" class="txt_test" mode="extra"/>

The default matching mode Description:If there is no mode attribute to the form elements, use like_i (ignoring fuzzy matching sensitive) processing, the default matching mode can DataTable.default_matchMode = 'like_i' modified.

Static data filtering query two ranges:

  1. NowPage——Current page data range of data filtering query: Query the current page qualified data (while support for dynamic data sources and static data sources NowPage screening)

  2. All——All static data range of data filtering query: Query load static data in compliance with all the conditions of the data (only supports static data sources All screening)

Both methods achieve data filtering:

Method One: Using HTML enhancements

NowPage current page static data range of data filtering query: to the search button to add static_data_search[_or] class styles:

data_static_search Support multi-mode conditions AND query.

<input type="button" class="data_static_search" value="static search and" />

data_static_search_or Support multi-mode conditions OR query.

<input type="button" class="data_static_search_or" value="static search or"/>

ALL all static data range of data filtering query: to the search button to add static_data_searchAll[_or] class styles:

data_static_searchAll Support multi-mode conditions AND query.

<input type="button" class="data_static_search" value="static searchAll and" />

data_static_searchAll_or Support multi-mode conditions OR query.

<input type="button" class="data_static_searchAll_or" value="static searchAll or"/>

Method Two: Use the built-in functions to achieve static filters:

NowPage current page static data range of data filtering query: DataTable.staticSearch('tableid' [,true] )

If the second argument is true, press OR way queries; otherwise press AND the way queries.
<input type="button" value="static searchAll" onclick="DataTable.staticSearch('datatableStatic')"/>

ALL all static data range of data filtering query:DataTable.staticSearchAll('tableid' [,true] )

If the second argument is true, press OR way queries; otherwise press AND the way queries.
<input type="button" value="static searchAll" onclick="DataTable.staticSearchAll('datatableStatic')"/>

17, Form AJAX pagination instances

17.1, FULL Paging default theme +checkbox + index, count the use of built-in properties

<form action="easydatatable/en/doPage2.jsp" name="myform">
    <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;" class="dataTableScrollDiv">
        <table class="datatable easydatatable" id="datatable" width="100%" align="center">
                <!-- checkbox -->
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" check="mychk" /> <!-- CheckAll --></th>
                <!-- datatableIndex,datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">count</th>
                <th width="80">index</th>
                <th width="80">{index+1}</th>
                <th width="100">id</th>
                <th width="100" sort="name">name</th>
                <th width="100" sort="info">info</th>
            <!-- Data Show Row-->

            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" />
                <td align="center">{datatableCount }</td>
                <td align="center">{datatableIndex }</td>
                <td align="center">{datatableIndex+1 }</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>
                <td align="center"><a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }">show</a> <a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a> <a href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }">delete</a>
    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50"></div>

17.2, Specify paging theme SIMPLE + Loading = "show" with tips + Sort Properties

<script type="text/javascript">

<form action="easydatatable/en/doPage_slow.jsp" name="myform">
    <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;" class="dataTableScrollDiv">
        <table class="datatable" value="pb" id="datatable2" width="100%" align="center">
                <!-- checkbox -->
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" check="mychk" /> <!-- CheckAll --></th>
                <!-- datatableIndex,datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">count</th>
                <th width="100">id</th>
                <th width="100" sort="name">name</th>
                <th width="100" sort="info">info</th>
                <th width="100" >sort、order</th>
            <!-- Data Show Row-->

            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" /></td>
                <td align="center">{datatableCount }</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>

                <td align="center"><a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }">show</a> <a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a> <a href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }">delete</a></td>
    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50"></div>

17.3, Judge sentences DataTable expression + Loading = "none" + row = "10"

<form action="easydatatable/en/doPage2.jsp" name="myform">
    <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;" class="dataTableScrollDiv">
        <table class="datatable easydatatable" loading="none" id="datatable3" width="100%" align="center">
                <!-- checkbox -->
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" check="mychk" /> <!-- CheckAll --></th>
                <!-- datatableIndex,datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">count</th>
                <th width="80">index</th>
                <th width="100">id</th>
                <th width="100">name</th>
                <th width="100">info</th>
            <!-- Data Show Row-->

            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" />
                <td align="center">{datatableCount+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td align="center">{datatableIndex+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>
                <td align="center">
                    <!-- DataTable expression --> %{ if(id%2==0){ var op='<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id='+id+'">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                    op+='<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a>'; DataTable.out(op); }else{ DataTable.out('<a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }">delete</a>'); } }%</td>
    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50" row="10"></div>

### 17.4, With start and end data loading paging event handler + Custom sort indicator
<script type="text/javascript">

//Custom sort indicator for the datatable4
    order_default:"<img src='easydatatable/imagesorder_default.gif'/>",
    order_up:"<img src='easydatatable/images/order_up.gif'/>",
    order_down:"<img src='easydatatable/images/order_down.gif'/>"
    //4. With start and end data loading paging event handler
    //Achieve initialization loading effect, after loading is complete hide loading, display the initial data
                    loading : "<div><img src=\"easydatatable/images/loading.gif\"/><br/>Data is loading ......</div>",
                    //Every time when loading data execution begins (table object; true representative of the first load, false representatives paging load)
                    o:Now DataTable
                     initFlag:true representative of the first load data (initialization tables), false representatives of the page to load
                    "start" : function(dataTableObj, initFlag) {
                        if (initFlag) { //First loaded, uninitialized
                            //'init start...');
                            $("#loading").show(); //Shows the initial loading tips
                            $("#dataDiv").hide(); //Hidden data div
                            $("#dataPageDiv").hide(); //Hidden page div
                        } else {
                            //'load start...');


                    //Data execution every time when loading end (table object; true representative of the first load, false representatives paging load)
                    "end" : function(dataTableObj, initFlag) { //true representative of the first waiting to load, false representatives of the page to load
                        if (initFlag) { //First loaded, uninitialized
                            //'init end...');
                            $("#loading").hide(); //Hide initial load tips
                            $("#dataDiv").show(); //Display data div
                            $("#dataPageDiv").show(); //Showing page div
                        } else {
                            //'load end...');


<form action="easydatatable/en/doPage_slow.jsp" name="myform">
    <!-- loading tips DIV, displayed when you first load data -->
    <div id="loading"
        style="border:1px solid #efefef; text-align: center;width: 780px;height: 285px;display: none;font-size: 14px;">
        <img src="easydatatable/images/loading.gif" /><br />Data is loading ......
    <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;" class="dataTableScrollDiv" id="dataDiv">
        <table class="datatable" id="datatable4" width="100%" align="center" value="pb">
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" onclick="DataTable.checkAll(this,'mychk')" /> <!-- CheckAll -->
                <!-- datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">countPerTotal</th>
                <th width="100">id</th>
                <th width="150" sort="name">name</th>
                <th width="150">info</th>
                <th width="100" >sort、order</th>
            <!-- Data Show Row-->
            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" />
                <td align="center" style="text-align:center;height: 45px;">{datatableCount+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>

                <td align="center"><a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }">show</a> <a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a> <a href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }">delete</a>
    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50" pagetheme="FULL" id="dataPageDiv"></div>


17.5 Cancel tabs

<form action="easydatatable/en/doPage.jsp" name="myform">
    <div style="height: 280px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;">
        <table class="easydatatable datatable" id="datatable5" width="100%" align="center" value="pb">
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" onclick="DataTable.checkAll(this,'mychk')" /> <!-- CheckAll -->
                <!-- datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">count</th>
                <th width="100">id</th>
                <th width="150" sort="name">name</th>
                <th width="150">info</th>
            <!-- Data show row -->
            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" /></td>
                <td align="center" style="text-align:center;height: 45px;">{datatableCount}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>
                <td align="center"><a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }">show</a> <a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a>
                    <a href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }">delete</a></td>
    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;display: none" size="5,10,30,50" pagetheme="no" row="10"></div>

17.6, Custom Paging Example 1

<form action="easydatatable/en/doPage2.jsp" name="myform">
    <div style="height: 280px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;">
        <table class="easydatatable datatable" id="datatable6" width="100%" align="center">
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" onclick="DataTable.checkAll(this,'mychk')" /> <!-- CheckAll -->
                <!-- datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">pageNo</th>
                <th width="100">id</th>
                <th width="150" sort="name">name</th>
                <th width="150">info</th>
            <!-- Data show row -->
            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" />
                <td align="center" style="text-align:center;height: 45px;">{pageNo}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>
                <td align="center"><a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }">show</a> <a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a>
                    <a href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }">delete</a>
    <div class="panelBar" style="font-size:14px; width: 780px;height: 40px;line-height: 40px;"
        size="5,10,30,50" pagetheme="no">
        Now {pageNo}/{maxPage}  page&nbsp;&nbsp; Now {rowPerPage}/{totalCount} row {order} {sort} &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#"
            onclick="DataTable.go('datatable6',1,5);return false;">first</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#"
            onclick="DataTable.go('datatable6','{pageNo-1}',5);return false;">previous </a> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#"
            onclick="DataTable.go('datatable6','{pageNo+1}',5);return false;">next</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#"
            onclick="DataTable.go('datatable6','{maxPage}',5);return false;">last</a>


17.7, Custom Paging Example 2

<form action="easydatatable/en/doPage.jsp" name="myform">
    <div style="height: 280px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;">
        <table class="easydatatable datatable" id="datatable7" width="100%" align="center" value="pb">
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" check="mychk" /> <!-- CheckAll --></th>
                <!-- datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">pageNo</th>
                <th width="100">id</th>
                <th width="150" sort="name">name</th>
                <th width="150">info</th>
            <!-- Data show row -->
            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" /></td>
                <td align="center" style="text-align:center;height: 45px;">{pageNo}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>
                <td align="center"><a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }">show</a> <a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }">edit</a>
                    <a href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }">delete</a></td>
    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;height: 40px; line-height: 40px;" size="5,10,30,50"
        pagetheme="no" row="8">
        Now{pageNo}/{maxPage} page Now{rowPerPage}/{totalCount} row {order} {sort} <input type="button" value="first"
            onclick="DataTable.go('datatable7',1)"> <input type="button" value="previous "
            onclick="DataTable.go('datatable7','{pageNo-1}')"> <input type="button" value="next"
            onclick="DataTable.go('datatable7','{pageNo+1}')"> <input type="button" value="last"

17.8, With a search page + loading="hide"

DataTable.load("datatable8", {
        "loading" : "hide"

<form action="easydatatable/en/doPage2.jsp" name="myform">
    <div style="margin: 20px 0px;">
        username:<input type="text" name="" class="txt_test" />
         userinfo:<input type="text" name="" class="txt_test" /> 
         <!-- HTML Enhancement: Use data_search class styles-->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test data_search" value="search" />
         <!-- JS function: DataTable.load ('DataTableID')  -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test" onclick="DataTable.load('datatable8')" value="search2"/>
    <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;" class="dataTableScrollDiv">

        <table class="datatable " id="datatable8" width="100%" align="center">
                <!-- checkbox -->
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" check="mychk" /> <!-- CheckAll --></th>
                <!-- datatableIndex,datatableCount -->
                <th width="60">count</th>
                <th width="180">condition</th>
                <th width="100">id</th>
                <th width="100">name</th>
                <th width="100">info</th>
            <!-- Data Show Row-->
            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" />
                <td align="center">{datatableCount+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td align="center">{},{}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>
                <td align="center">
                    <!-- DataTable expression --> %{ if(id%2==0){ DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }"
                    target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }" target="ajax">edit</a>'); }else{
                    DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }" target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }" target="ajax">edit</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }" target="ajax">delete</a>'); } }%</td>
    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50"></div>

17.9, Dynamic range of data sources to load + NowPage sort of static data filtering query + default like_i query matching MatchMode

<form action="easydatatable/en/doPage2.jsp" name="myform">
    <div style="margin: 20px auto;">
        username:<input type="text" name="name" class="txt_test" value="4" />
        userinfo:<input type="text" name="info" class="txt_test" value="INFO_2"/>
        <div class="seaD">NowPageCurrent page data range static filters (also supports dynamic data sources and static data source page filtering)</div>
        <!-- Multiple conditions AND query, HTML and JS function to achieve enhanced -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2 data_static_search" value="NowPage search AND" />
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2" value="NowPage search AND2" onclick="DataTable.staticSearch('datatable9')"/>

        <!-- Multiple conditions OR queries, HTML and JS function to achieve enhanced -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2 data_static_search_or" value="NowPage search OR" />
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2" value="NowPage search OR2" onclick="DataTable.staticSearch('datatable9',true)" />

    <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;" class="dataTableScrollDiv">
        <table class="datatable easydatatable" id="datatable9" width="100%" align="center">
                <!-- checkbox -->
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox"  check="mychk"  /> <!-- CheckAll -->
                <!-- datatableIndex,datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">count</th>
                <th width="80">index</th>
                <th width="100" staticSort="id">id</th>
                <th width="100" staticSort="name">name</th>
                <th width="100">info</th>
            <!-- Data Show Row-->

            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" />
                <td align="center">{datatableCount+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td align="center">{datatableIndex+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>
                <td align="center">
                    <!-- DataTable expression --> %{ if(id%2==0){ DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }"
                    target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }" target="ajax">edit</a>'); }else{
                    DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }" target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }" target="ajax">edit</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }" target="ajax">delete</a>'); } }%</td>
    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50" row="30"></div>

17.10, Static load JSON data source + NowPage range of static data filtering query without sorting + paging (2.X)

<script type="text/javascript">
    //static JSON data
    var jsonData ={
        "rowPerPage": 10,
        "pageNo" :1,
        "data" : [ {
            "id" : 1,
            "name" : "USER_1",
            "info" : "INFO_1"
        }, {
            "id" : 2,
            "name" : "USER_2",
            "info" : "INFO_2"
        }, {
            "id" : 3,
            "name" : "USER_3",
            "info" : "INFO_3"
        }, {
            "id" : 4,
            "name" : "USER_4",
            "info" : "INFO_4"
        }, {
            "id" : 5,
            "name" : "USER_5",
            "info" : "INFO_5"
        }, {
            "id" : 6,
            "name" : "USER_6",
            "info" : "INFO_6"
        }, {
            "id" : 7,
            "name" : "USER_7",
            "info" : "INFO_7"
        }, {
            "id" : 8,
            "name" : "USER_8",
            "info" : "INFO_8"
        }, {
            "id" : 9,
            "name" : "USER_9",
            "info" : "INFO_9"
        }, {
            "id" : 10,
            "name" : "USER_10",
            "info" : "INFO_10"
        }, {
            "id" : 11,
            "name" : "USER_11",
            "info" : "INFO_11"
        }, {
            "id" : 12,
            "name" : "USER_12",
            "info" : "INFO_12"
        }, {
            "id" : 13,
            "name" : "USER_13",
            "info" : "INFO_13"
        }, {
            "id" : 14,
            "name" : "USER_14",
            "info" : "INFO_14"
        }, {
            "id" : 15,
            "name" : "USER_15",
            "info" : "INFO_15"
        }, {
            "id" : 16,
            "name" : "USER_16",
            "info" : "INFO_16"
        }, {
            "id" : 17,
            "name" : "USER_17",
            "info" : "INFO_17"
        }, {
            "id" : 18,
            "name" : "USER_18",
            "info" : "INFO_18"
        }, {
            "id" : 19,
            "name" : "USER_19",
            "info" : "INFO_19"
        }, {
            "id" : 20,
            "name" : "USER_20",
            "info" : "INFO_20"
        }, {
            "id" : 21,
            "name" : "USER_21",
            "info" : "INFO_21"
        }, {
            "id" : 22,
            "name" : "USER_22",
            "info" : "INFO_22"
        }, {
            "id" : 23,
            "name" : "USER_23",
            "info" : "INFO_23"
        }, {
            "id" : 24,
            "name" : "USER_24",
            "info" : "INFO_24"
        }, {
            "id" : 25,
            "name" : "USER_25",
            "info" : "INFO_25"
        }, {
            "id" : 26,
            "name" : "USER_26",
            "info" : "INFO_26"
        }, {
            "id" : 27,
            "name" : "USER_27",
            "info" : "INFO_27"
        }, {
            "id" : 28,
            "name" : "USER_28",
            "info" : "INFO_28"
        }, {
            "id" : 29,
            "name" : "USER_29",
            "info" : "INFO_29"
        }, {
            "id" : 30,
            "name" : "USER_30",
            "info" : "INFO_30"
        } ]

        DataTable.staticLoad("datatable10", jsonData,{"row":30});

<form action="" name="myform">
    <div style="margin: 20px auto;">
        username( sql_i MatchMode): <input type="text" name="name" class="txt_test" value="USER_1%" mode="sql_i" />
        userinfo( like_i MatchMode):<input type="text" name="info" class="txt_test" />
                <div class="seaD">NowPageCurrent page data range static filters (also supports dynamic data sources and static data source page filtering)</div>
        <!-- Multiple conditions AND query, HTML and JS function to achieve enhanced -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2 data_static_search" value="NowPage search AND" />
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2" value="NowPage search AND2" onclick="DataTable.staticSearch('datatable10')"/>
        <!-- Multiple conditions OR queries, HTML and JS function to achieve enhanced -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2 data_static_search_or" value="NowPage search OR" />
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2" value="NowPage search OR2" onclick="DataTable.staticSearch('datatable10',true)" />

    <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;" class="dataTableScrollDiv">

        <table class="datatable" id="datatable10" width="100%" align="center">
                <!-- checkbox -->
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" onclick="DataTable.checkAll(this,'mychk')" /> <!-- CheckAll -->
                <!-- datatableIndex,datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">count</th>
                <th width="80">index</th>
                <th width="100" staticSort="id">id</th>
                <th width="100" staticSort="name">name</th>
                <th width="100">info</th>
            <!-- Data Show Row-->

            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" />
                <td align="center">{datatableCount+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td align="center">{datatableIndex+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>
                <td align="center">
                    <!-- DataTable expression --> %{ if(id%2==0){ DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }"
                    target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }" target="ajax">edit</a>'); }else{
                    DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }" target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }" target="ajax">edit</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }" target="ajax">delete</a>'); } }%</td>


17.11, JSON file data source load + All range of static data filtering query sorting (2.X)

<script type="text/javascript">

<form action="" name="myform">
    <div style="margin: 20px auto;">
        username( sql_i MatchMode): <input type="text" name="name" class="txt_test" value="USER_1%" mode="sql_i" />
        userinfo( like_i MatchMode):<input type="text" name="info" class="txt_test" value="INFO_"/>
                <div class="seaD">AllCurrent page data range static filters (support only static data source page filtering)</div>
        <!-- Multiple conditions AND query, HTML and JS function to achieve enhanced -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2 data_static_searchAll" value="All search AND" />
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2" value="All search AND2"  onclick="DataTable.staticSearchAll('datatable11')"/> 
        <!-- Multiple conditions OR queries, HTML and JS function to achieve enhanced -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2 data_static_searchAll_or" value="All search OR" />
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2" value="All search OR2" onclick="DataTable.staticSearchAll('datatable11',true)"/> 

    <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;" class="dataTableScrollDiv">

        <table class="datatable" id="datatable11" width="100%" align="center">
                <!-- checkbox -->
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" onclick="DataTable.checkAll(this,'mychk')" /> <!-- CheckAll -->
                <!-- datatableIndex,datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">count</th>
                <th width="80">index</th>
                <th width="100" staticSort="id">id</th>
                <th width="100" staticSort="name">name</th>
                <th width="100">info</th>
            <!-- Data Show Row-->

            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" />
                <td align="center">{datatableCount+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td align="center">{datatableIndex+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{id}</td>
                <td align="center">{name}</td>
                <td align="center">
                    <!-- DataTable expression --> %{ if(id%2==0){ DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }"
                    target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }" target="ajax">edit</a>'); }else{
                    DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={id }" target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={id }" target="ajax">edit</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a
                    href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={id }" target="ajax">delete</a>'); } }%</td>
    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50" row="15"></div>

18、An array of objects loaded paged data collection

EasyDataTable paging when data support the use of JSON data collection in addition, it also supports the use of Array object data collection. Dynamic Server data source or static array of data sources can be used to save data collection. For example:

            [1,"Jay","I'm Jay"],
            [2,"Jolin","I'm Jolin"],
            [3,"Sheldon","I'm Sheldon"],
            [4,"Penny","I'm Penny"],
            [5,"Amy","I'm Amy"],
            [6,"Jay2","I'm Jay"],
            [7,"Jolin2","I'm Jolin"],
            [8,"Sheldon2","I'm Sheldon"],
            [9,"Penny2","I'm Penny"],
            [10,"Amy2","I'm Amy"],
            [11,"Jay3","I'm Jay"],
            [12,"Jolin3","I'm Jolin"],
            [13,"Sheldon3","I'm Sheldon"],
            [14,"Penny3","I'm Penny"],
            [15,"Amy3","I'm Amy"]

An array of objects using the data attribute data set name [index] on behalf of the specified time to retrieve data from an array, index of digital data in the array index in the property expressions and statements can be used in expressions EasyDataTable.
For example,[0], represents the first column of data attributes; {[0]}representative for the value of the first column of data attributes

Example 1: Array object data collection (server dynamic data sources) + NowPage range data filtering (2.X)

<form action="en/doPage3.jsp" name="myform">
    <div style="margin: 20px auto;">
        username( sql_i MatchMode): <input type="text" name="[1]" class="txt_test" value="USER_1%" mode="sql_i" />
        userinfo( like_i MatchMode):<input type="text" name="[2]" class="txt_test" value="i"/>
            <div class="seaD">NowPageCurrent page data range static filters (also supports dynamic data sources and static data source page filtering)</div>
            <!-- Multiple conditions AND query, HTML and JS function to achieve enhanced -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2 data_static_search" value="NowPage search AND" />
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2" value="NowPage search AND2" onclick="DataTable.staticSearch('datatable12')"/>
        <!-- Multiple conditions OR queries, HTML and JS function to achieve enhanced -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2 data_static_search_or" value="NowPage search OR" />
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2" value="NowPage search OR2" onclick="DataTable.staticSearch('datatable12',true)" />

    <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;" class="dataTableScrollDiv">

        <table class="datatable easydatatable" id="datatable12" width="100%" align="center">
                    <!-- checkbox -->
                    <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" onclick="DataTable.checkAll(this,'mychk')" /> <!-- CheckAll -->
                    <!-- datatableIndex,datatableCount -->
                    <th width="80">count</th>
                    <th width="80">index</th>
                    <th width="100" staticSort="[0]">id</th>
                    <th width="100" staticSort="[1]">name</th>
                    <th width="100">info</th>
            <!-- Data Show Row-->

            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" />
                <td align="center">{datatableCount+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td align="center">{datatableIndex+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{[0]}</td>
                <td align="center">{[1]}</td>
                <td align="center">

                    DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={[0] }" target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={[0] }" target="ajax">edit</a>'); 
                    DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={[0] }" target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={[0] }" target="ajax">edit</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={[0] }" target="ajax">delete</a>'); 
                    } }%

    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50" row="15"></div>


Example 2: Array object data collection (static data source) + All range data filtering (2.X)

<script type="text/javascript">
    //Static data source - an array of data collection        
    var arrayData={
                [1,"Jay","I'm Jay"],
                [2,"Jolin","I'm Jolin"],
                [3,"Sheldon","I'm Sheldon"],
                [4,"Penny","I'm Penny"],
                [5,"Amy","I'm Amy"],
                [6,"Jay2","I'm Jay"],
                [7,"Jolin2","I'm Jolin"],
                [8,"Sheldon2","I'm Sheldon"],
                [9,"Penny2","I'm Penny"],
                [10,"Amy2","I'm Amy"],
                [11,"Jay3","I'm Jay"],
                [12,"Jolin3","I'm Jolin"],
                [13,"Sheldon3","I'm Sheldon"],
                [14,"Penny3","I'm Penny"],
                [15,"Amy3","I'm Amy"]

    //12. Array object data collection (static data source)  (2.X)
    DataTable.staticLoad("datatable13", arrayData,{"row":5});

<form action="" name="myform">
    <div style="margin: 20px auto;">
        username( sql_i MatchMode): <input type="text" name="[1]" class="txt_test" value="J%" mode="sql_i" />
        userinfo( like_i MatchMode):<input type="text" name="[2]" class="txt_test" value="l"/>
                <div class="seaD">All Current page data range static filters (support only static data source page filtering)</div>
            <!-- Multiple conditions AND query, HTML and JS function to achieve enhanced -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2 data_static_searchAll" value="All search AND" />
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2" value="All search AND2"  onclick="DataTable.staticSearchAll('datatable13')"/> 
        <!-- Multiple conditions OR queries, HTML and JS function to achieve enhanced -->
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2 data_static_searchAll_or" value="All search OR" />
        <input type="button" class="btn_test2" value="All search OR2" onclick="DataTable.staticSearchAll('datatable13',true)"/> 

    <div style="height: 260px;overflow:auto;width: 780px;" class="dataTableScrollDiv">

        <table class="datatable" id="datatable13" width="100%" align="center">
                    <!-- checkbox -->
                    <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" onclick="DataTable.checkAll(this,'mychk')" /> <!-- CheckAll -->
                    <!-- datatableIndex,datatableCount -->
                    <th width="80">count</th>
                    <th width="80">index</th>
                    <th width="100" staticSort="[0]">id</th>
                    <th width="100" staticSort="[1]">name</th>
                    <th width="100">info</th>
            <!-- Data Show Row-->

            <tr style="display: none;">
                <td style="text-align:center;height: 45px;"><input type="checkbox" name="mychk" value="{id }" />
                <td align="center">{datatableCount+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td align="center">{datatableIndex+(pageNo-1)*rowPerPage}</td>
                <td style="text-align:center;color:#00f">No.{[0]}</td>
                <td align="center">{[1]}</td>
                <td align="center">

                    DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={[0] }" target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={[0] }" target="ajax">edit</a>'); 
                    DataTable.out('<a href="doUser.jsp?o=show&id={[0] }" target="ajax">show</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=edit&id={[0] }" target="ajax">edit</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="doUser.jsp?o=delete&id={[0] }" target="ajax">delete</a>'); 
                    } }%

    <div class="panelBar" style="width: 780px;" size="5,10,30,50" row="5"></div>


19、Add-ons: adjust the column width by dragging the plug

EasyDataTable support the use of jquery-resizable-columns plug-in data table and drag to adjust the column width。

19.1、 Need to drag out the first row of the data table to add <thead> tags

<table class="datatable" id="datatable12" width="100%" align="center">
          <thead>  <!-- resizableColumns need-->
                <!-- checkbox -->
                <th width="40"><input type="checkbox" onclick="DataTable.checkAll(this,'mychk')" /> <!-- CheckAll -->
                <!-- datatableIndex,datatableCount -->
                <th width="80">count</th>
                <th width="80">index</th>
                <th width="100" staticSort="[0]">id</th>
                <th width="100" staticSort="[1]">name</th>
                <th width="100">info</th>
        </thead>  <!-- resizableColumns need-->

19.2、Use $("#datatable12").resizableColumns(); initialize

<link rel="stylesheet" href="resizable/jquery.resizableColumns.css" type="text/css"></link>
<script type="text/javascript" src="resizable/jquery.resizableColumns.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

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